30th Annual RNLI

Helvick Swim

Unique open water swim and BBQ fundraiser event in the South East of Ireland

6th July, 2025!

SwimDungarvan Bay, Support the lifeboats

The RNLI Helvick Swim is a family-friendly, community fundraiser event.

4km / 2km open water swim

Swimmers can choose to swim 4km or 2km along a marked course in Dungarvan Bay, finishing at Helvick Pier to a cheering crowd.

The spectacle of the swimmers accompanied by a safety flotilla of kayakers, ribs and other boats swimming along the marked course in Dungarvan Bay will be quite a sight, as they swim into Helvick Pier.

Fundraise for the RNLI

Instead of a signup fee, participants are requested to fundraise for the event by accepting sponsorship from within their own network of contacts.

Proceeds from this event directly fund operations at the RNLI.

  • Open water swim

    Ballinacourty to Helvick pier (subjtec to conditions)

  • Charity Fundraiser

    Instead of entry fee, swimmers will fundraise and donate to RNLI Helvick

  • All ages*

    Under 18s require parental consent. All applications subject to review.

Helvick Swim - perspective route graphic
  • 30th

    Year of Helvick Swim

  • 100

    Swimmers Max

  • 4/2km

    Open water swim

Activities on the Pier

More than just an outdoor challenge, the RNLI Helvick Swim also features a range of family-friendly activities on the pier at Helvick.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We have answsers. Still need help? Email rnlihelvickswim@gmail.com

  • What temperature is the water?

    The water temperature of Dungarvan Bay in July averages 15°C (59°F). Please plan on wearing a wetstuit for the swim.

  • What safety precautions are in place for the swimmers?

    Swimmers are escorted by experienced open water kayakers and ribs (small motor craft) who are carefully coordinated to ensure safety of each swimmer.

    The kayakers are the closest to the swimmers and are the first line of response, followed by the ribs.

    We have trained and qualified medical staff ready at the pier in case of emergency.

  • What if the weather conditions are terrible?

    We have a primary and secondary backup date in case of bad weather conditions. We closely monitor the forecast leading up the event so that we can give swimmers as much information as possible.

  • Is there an entry fee for the event? How does it work?

    We do not have any registration or entry fee. Instead, swimmers are expected to fundraise sponsorship from within their network of contacts, which is donated to the RNLI post-event. The historical average is €250 per swimmer.

    Our fundraising partner platform is JustGiving. If your application is approved, we will email you instructions to setup your own JustGiving online fundraiser page, which will automatically close and attribute your collected sponsorship funds to RNLI Helvick. This is our preferred method.

  • Is there a limit on the number of participants?

    The typical maximum is around 80-100 swimmers. The maximum number of swimmers we can allow varies slightly every year due to safety protocol review and insurance specifications.

  • Is this a timed event? Do you publish swimmer times?

    We do not track individual swimmers for their swim time from start to finish. Swimmers who wish to know their exact time from start to finish are encouraged to do so using their own equipment (GPS watch etc).

  • How does the 2km swim work?

    Swimmers who opt for the 2km swim distance are brought by motor craft to the halfway point of the course where they begin their swim. 2km and 4km swimmers both finish at Helvick Pier.

Applications Open Soon!

In coming weeks we will open the application process for this year's RNLI Helvick Swim. Places are limited, subscribe with your email to get notified when registration opens.

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Applications are closed.

We are over-subscribed to this year's swim, and have now closed applications to the public. Provide with your email address to get notified of any openings.

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