RNLI Helvick Head Gears Up For Summer

RNLI Helvick is looking for volunteers to help at upcoming events 

As RNLI Helvick’s big summer fundraiser events approach, the fundraising committee is seeking volunteers from the local areas who are able to assist.

“Volunteers make an immeasurable difference, without their support we could not run our fundraiser events successfully. We would be so grateful to anyone who can contribute a few hours of their time to help out”, said Kevin O’Morchoe, hon Chairman of the RNLI Helvick Head fundraising committee. 

Members of the public can also volunteer by emailing rnlihelvickswim@gmail.com, or online at rnlihelvickswim.ie/volunteer.

The 29th Annual RNLI Helvick Sponsored Swim approaches

With just over four weeks remaining until the 29th Annual RNLI Helvick Sponsored Swim & BBQ, there are more than 100 swimmers already registered and training for their big swim across Dungarvan Bay. This year’s event on June 30th is planned to include BBQ cookout, dog show, raffle, and various other family-friendly activities which have proven so popular over the past 29 years.

“We are excited to once again host the popular burger cookout on the pier”, said Seamus Kiersey, hon Secretary of the RNLI Helvick Head fundraising committee, “to be so well supported by the local community after all these years, while raising vital funds for the lifeboats, is something that everyone can be enormously proud of”.

The RNLI Helvick Swim is a family-friendly, community fundraiser event. Swimmers can choose to swim 4km or 2km along a marked course in Dungarvan Bay, finishing at Helvick Pier to a cheering crowd. Instead of a signup fee, participants are requested to fundraise for the event by accepting sponsorship from within their own network of contacts. Registrations for the swim this year filled quickly, and are now closed.

The event has grown enormously in popularity over the years and has become a huge community event, attracting swimmers and visitors to Helvick in the Waterford Gaeltacht on the mouth of Dungarvan Bay from all over Ireland and beyond.

More information on the RNLI Helvick Swim can be found at rnlihelvickswim.ie.

photo of Andrew Miller

Andrew B. Miller

Hon Press Sec, Dungarvan & Helvick Fundraising Branch
+353 85 1466889

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RNLI Helvick Head & Dungarvan


For immediate release

25 May 2024